海尔冰箱温度怎么调智能面板(海尔冰箱温控开关位置) | 28测评网-k8凯发平台

2023年11月7日12:06:23综合信息5字数 2660阅读模式


(风冷对开门冰箱,539wt、602w、551wsy、552wsy、551wyjz、 552wyjz、552wyjf、551wyjf、576w、551we、551 wb、556wa、550wa 等)










3. model: 586wsg, 586wl (french-style double-door series)

forced startup:press and hold the "refrigerator control", "freezer control", and "confirm function" keys on the display panel for above 3 seconds. a beep sound will be heard, and the screen will display "t1t1".

forced defrost:in the forced startup mode, press the "refrigerator control", "freezer control", and "confirm function" keys again for above 3 seconds.the machine will enter the forced defrost mode, and the screen will display "t2t2".

detection of vertical and horizontal heating wires:in the forced defrost mode, press the "refrigerator control", "freezer control", and "confirm function" keys again for above 3 seconds.the screen will display "t3t3",indicating that the vertical and horizontal heating wires are working.

ice maker test mode:in the unlocked state, press the "function selection" and "confirm function" keys for above 3 seconds.the machine will enter the ice maker test mode (note: the test mode can only be entered when the freezer door is closed).

4. models: 649w, 628w, 648w, 629w, 626w, 530w, 580w, 536w, etc. (all-new french-style)

forced startup:in the locked state, press the following keys within 5 seconds:"function selection", "refrigerator temperature", "confirm function", "freezer temperature", and then press the "function selection" key again to enter the forced startup mode (t1, a-d-b-c-a).

forced defrost:in the above state, press the "function selection" key again to enter the forced defrost mode (t2).

detection of vertical heating wire:in the above state, press the "function selection" key again to enter mode t3,indicating that the vertical heating wire is working.

exit:in the above state, press the "function selection" key again to enter mode t4,which is in standby mode. press the function selection key again, and the normal temperature will be displayed, exiting the test mode.

ice maker testing:press the ice maker test key for above 4 seconds,a beep sound will be heard, and wait for 10 secondsafterwards. the ice maker will start rotating for 2weeks and then water will flow in, indicating that the ice maker control is normal. note that the ice maker test process takes about 3minutes to complete, and the ice storage box must be installed before testing.

制冰水泵和冷饮水泵的检测:在锁定状态下, 同时按下制冰机开关和进水按键持续3秒后,制冰机水泵会反转持续5秒(水盒内左侧进水管有气泡冒出)后停 持续3秒,接着冷饮水泵会反转持续5秒(水盒内右侧进水管有气泡冒出)。若冷水图标闪烁,表示水壶内缺水,需及时补充,然后在解锁状态下长按功能选择键持续3秒,解除缺水提示。

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年11月7日12:06:23